Wednesday, 17 September 2008


As the heat of the campaign rises, pigs start to use make up and the attacks plays a more important role on the debate, the gender and race card couldn't be left out of the "mud exchange".

But because (maybe just as or even more than racism) sexism is a very important topic for the next generations of leaders around the world the presence of Sarah Palin on the race is shaking everything and helping milions of people to debate what is, and specially what isn't SEXISM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Impressed me more as a hatchet job on Palin than as comic genius… especially since being able to see Russia from her house is more foreign policy experience than Hillary has.

Unless you count hosting teas for the wives of visiting heads of state.

And in a year in which the Democratic candidate for President is a briefly-serving senator with an attendance record nearly as bad in the U.S. Senate as it was in the Illinois Senate, hitting a serving governor on the experience issue seems to be considerably less than genius, comic or otherwise!